When 3G Network Will Come in Pakistan 3G Network Start in Pakistan Telecom Companies

As soon as the appointment of Chairman as well as People of Pakistan Telecommunication Power, the government of Pakistan almost all ready to public auction 3G {licenses|permit} in Pakistan.

The government, within this regards, offers finalized the policy directive for the auction of long awaited 3-G licenses in the nation.

As per information that people have got, a high-level committee continues to be formed to expedite the public auction process.

Pakistani customers happen to be awaiting 3G systems to get better data internet connections through cell phones for years. Previously in 2011-12, at least a couple of efforts for auction 3G licenses unsuccessful due to numerous reasons.

Even now the actual auction has been conducted possible via a Supreme Court order that directed the federal government in order to quickly appoint Chairman as well as Members with regard to early auction of 3-G. And after that the appointments were created in almost a rush.

It value mentioning right here that brand new telecommunications the required licenses, for example 3-G spectrum, can’t be auctioned without having PTA chairman and members.

As soon as the appointments were created, activity for auction of 3-G {licenses|permit} went high. Chairman  PTA as well as Minister IT and Telecom has recently briefed the senate’s standing committee on Telecommunications and verified that policy directive continues to be finalized.

Minister further told the senate body that a high-level committee – constituted through the Prime Minister himself – will certainly approve the policy for further proceedings on the auction.

This particular special committee is chaired by federal minister for finance, while members include Microsoft. Anusha Rahman, Minister for info Technologies & Telecom, Akhlaq Ahmad Tarar, Secretary (IT & Telecom), Syed Ismail Shah interim chairman PTA and others.

The actual realization of 3G auction will take at least 3 more months.

Inside the next step, after the authorization of policy directive (that is likely throughout current week), PTA may hire a specialist to prepare IM for the auction of 3-G spectrum. Later on this IM is going to be floated and also telecom providers (local and international) will likely be given around 30 days to prepare them selves for the auction bidding.

Specialists say that bidding regarding 3G licenses probably will take at least 3 to 4 months through now.

Anusha Rehman, Minister for IT and Telecom, within a briefing to media yesterday declared a minimum of four telecommunications companies operating in Pakistan have indicated serious interest in acquiring 3-G licenses. Together with local providers, federal government can also be expecting that foreign operators will take part within the bid.

Pakistan government is eyeing UNITED STATES DOLLAR 800 million to USD One billion from the auction.

It is likely that government will certainly auction 3 3G licenses, with a base associated with USD 210 million. Local as well as International companies will be invited for the bid, having a possible ban on defaulting telecommunications companies. However, last details for the participation criteria and pricing of spectrum will probably be revealed after the finalization of IM.

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