Restore Blogger Template Widget 100 % Solution I Had Founded and Sharing to You.
About Blogger Template Doesn't Able to Change.
Today i am Going To Discus About one Other Of My Experiance is About The Blogger Template Changing
Issue's. Previosly i was Meet with My Friend he is Also A Great Publisher.. He Talk About his Blog Facing a Problem he Share his Problem with Me Because he is Not only my Friend he is Also My Student. I try to Find Issue But Can't Able to Find..
After A Long Time i decide to Chage my Blogger Template to a Special Template for Best User Experiance.
after Placing New Template on My blog i notic That The Image's Background is Not Matching With My Blogger template.. So Again Try To Change Template so When i am Going to Change it Placin whole Template Code's in Template Section during Click on Apply/ Save Template It Show Error that i also Taken a Snap of that error is Bellow.

We are sorry but we Are Unable to Complete your Request Error Blogger Template Error

if you want to Know why this error is Appear Read This Head if You just Want to Fix the Error 
Then Please Read The last Head ( How to Fix Problem )..

Why Blogger Doesn't Save Few of Other Template's.,
This is a Really Puzzled Question that why After Changing Last Template Blogger is Not Going To change or Save other Few Templates After All these Template's are running Well on Other Blogs.
Actually some of Blogger Template's Are Designed Very Stylishly For A Great Attraction And Incoded A Larg Number of java Scripts with in when You install these kind Of Template's to Your Blog
Template Type show in Image bellow.

Template's Designed With Latest java feature's

I want to Explain After These Kind of Template's you install in Your Blog these template's Have some Feature's That you don't Want to Use. EG online Shopping Option You don't want To Use You try to remove it Manually after Remove . These Type of Template's During Install made out Automatically Widget in your Blog like you Remove Online shoping feature But Online Shoping Widget was Not removed..
and This Widget will Be The reason to Stucking You on Previous Template. you may Experiance Some Time Some Template's Will Save and install because That Template are Same Designed and Accept Online Shoping Emplty Widget
so If You Remove The Online Shopping Widget You Can Restore Every thing like New.

Follow Instruction to Restore Your Blogger for Changing Exiting Templates.

How to Restore Template Widget of Blogger ,

I had Designed a Template That Will Changed Easily And restore Your Blog All widgets.
Now just Copy template code That i Provide in Link Bellow and Past it to Your Template past it Not Upload it Past the Code and save Template you Can See Template will Save after Save Template view  blog You can See Template will Changed Now your Blog is Restored. !!!
>>New Designed Template from Me<<
and you  Can Change Any Template Normally
if You face Any kind of Other Problem Please Write in comment Box for Other Assistant

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